Here Cums A New Challenger!


Here Cums A New Challenger! Here Cums A New Challenger! Here Cums A New Challenger! Here Cums A New Challenger!

Oculus Rift/Oculus Quest 3/HTC VIVE - HIGH Oculus Rift/Oculus Quest 2/HTC VIVE - LOW Samsung Gear VR/Google Daydream Smartphone VR Microsoft Mixed Reality PlayStation VR

Caitlin Bell is a bored housewife with nothing to do! Her husband has left her all alone once again but this time with a new gaming console?!? He really has no clue and when it comes to setting this thing up, neither does she. As the handiest guy around, you agree to help Caitlin but she's got more than high scores and joysticks on her mind. You'll be more than just her player 2 when you get everything up and working. Fuck Caitlin all over the room and give her the dick she really needs.

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